Understanding Roth Conversions with Juvonen Insurance & Financial Services
What every taxpayer needs to know about this key provision in the tax code
IMPORTANT: Unlike IRA contributions, Roth IRA conversions must be completed by the end of each calendar year so, get informed while there’s still time to take action in 2021!
Description: For a majority of Americans approaching and in retirement, income taxes will be the single largest expense they face in the years ahead, yet many are unaware of what they can do to minimize their exposure. With the rapidly ballooning national debt and numerous changes to the tax code currently being proposed, this is an especially critical time to learn how this little-known provision can protect your hard-earned savings and potentially save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary taxes in the future.
Learn about:
- Fundamentals of IRAs and Roth IRAs
- What Roth conversions are and how they work
- How to evaluate if you should convert some or all of an IRA to a Roth IRA
- Benefits to taking advantage of Roth conversions
- Strategies to create a potentially tax-free future cash flow
- How proposed tax code changes may limit future Roth conversions
Join us for lunch in the chamber boardroom. Please register for lunch count.
Register Here: http://ventura.chambermaster.com/events/details/lunch-and-learn-understanding-roth-conversions-with-juvonen-insurance-financial-services-21826
Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
10/13/21 at 12PM
Ventura Chamber Boardroom, 505 Poli St, Second Floor
Or, hybrid- email Ashley@Ventura-chamber.org for the link.