September is Pet Sitter Education Month - Check out Petsitter Education Webinar Bundle Here!

In The Pet Sitter Education Webinar Bundle, 

Webinar: Canine & Feline CPR and First Aid

This 3-hour webinar teaches the basics of canine and feline CPR and first aid!

Webinar: How To C.A.R.E so you can Retain Lifelong Clients

Pet Professionals can learn how to maintain long-term clients and build trust with them. This webinar will cover teaching you how to listen without an agenda, and create plans that fit the client and their dogs needs. 

It will also cover understanding how an emotional bank account can help retain clients while being compassionate and empathetic.

Webinar: Understanding Canine Body Language

Dogs use body language to tell us if they are relaxed, stressed, afraid or upset. Learn what signs to look for in different regions of your dog’s body so you can support your animal’s feelings. Learn how to use body language during training to understand how different training techniques impact how our pets

Webinar: How Animals Learn

Learn how we can use basic theories of dog behavior to teach your dog new things. Also learn why dogs learn these common misbehaviors and how to change them. 

Check it out here: Pet Sitter Education Webinar Bundle - Truly Force Free